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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vitae dictum lectus, non consectetur erat. Fusce eget eros rhoncus, imperdiet dolor a, iaculis mauris. Quisque consequat, erat sit amet egestas convallis, lectus velit varius ex, id rutrum leo turpis et risus. Vivamus cursus lorem vel tortor sagittis, vel interdum nibh finibus. Suspendisse potenti. Integer congue, sem sed viverra fringilla, ex massa bibendum augue, sit amet tempus tortor sem euismod risus. Phasellus tincidunt est magna, aliquet molestie ex porttitor viverra. Ut ac dolor orci. Integer egestas nunc nec augue euismod facilisis. Duis interdum et ipsum eu placerat.
Maecenas suscipit fringilla tellus sit amet ultrices. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed commodo mi id orci hendrerit, id egestas justo faucibus. Etiam nec consectetur turpis. Aliquam tristique sapien sed dictum vestibulum. Phasellus a eros ut dui iaculis ullamcorper eget at mi. Pellentesque justo felis, malesuada sed nisl eu, pharetra lacinia est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vestibulum lacus sit amet dui facilisis, eu sodales risus auctor. Aenean elementum tincidunt felis, non scelerisque libero gravida ac. Nam sodales id arcu vel consequat. Aenean turpis ex, tempor sed lorem vitae, ornare faucibus ante. Maecenas dapibus lectus a neque tincidunt, id viverra lorem ultrices.
Sed consequat, tortor sit amet accumsan porta, orci felis elementum dolor, eget finibus ligula sem sed massa. Maecenas egestas sed neque sed commodo. Phasellus in libero ornare, varius elit interdum, lacinia est. Ut a leo eget libero egestas euismod sed eu dui. Praesent eleifend tincidunt turpis suscipit sodales. Cras sodales gravida dolor, eu ultrices erat viverra et. Integer vel diam ut nisi molestie volutpat a venenatis velit. Pellentesque luctus sagittis maximus. Praesent et est leo. Etiam non ultrices enim. Nunc et risus molestie, luctus ante nec, vulputate nisl. Nam sit amet convallis turpis.
Morbi mollis nisi eget enim viverra, nec viverra sem pulvinar. Maecenas pharetra justo id suscipit luctus. Ut ut leo vel lacus auctor finibus a ac ex. In posuere nisi sit amet hendrerit commodo. Vivamus posuere vestibulum iaculis. Vestibulum mollis placerat hendrerit. Nullam venenatis ac nisi ut consectetur. Proin facilisis urna vel sem commodo, hendrerit semper elit vehicula. Pellentesque porttitor, ante sed molestie iaculis, ipsum erat malesuada lorem, id auctor lectus sapien eget neque. Donec sodales nisl a velit fringilla faucibus. Praesent id metus ullamcorper, lacinia ipsum et, convallis lacus. Mauris consectetur, dui et laoreet pellentesque, metus ex finibus ligula, sit amet convallis magna purus nec eros. Quisque dictum laoreet tellus. Etiam id lacus non metus convallis molestie vitae vel purus. Proin luctus, velit at vehicula pellentesque, ante nulla tincidunt est, et mollis nisl orci id urna. Aenean egestas ullamcorper odio, nec euismod odio.
Etiam at orci nec diam volutpat suscipit sed ac tellus. Duis erat nulla, iaculis et porttitor vel, scelerisque sed ante. Nam ut dapibus lorem. Morbi eget laoreet urna, a blandit mi. Donec ac neque sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras quis eros blandit, facilisis ante ut, auctor metus. Aliquam lacinia neque non sodales suscipit. Mauris dolor magna, pellentesque vel rutrum sit amet, iaculis et augue. Donec imperdiet vestibulum sapien, ut interdum elit volutpat et. Pellentesque placerat dignissim mattis. Ut lacus lacus, bibendum quis hendrerit at, volutpat eu justo. Mauris at dolor semper, feugiat odio quis, fermentum mi. Mauris consequat, quam eget tempus consequat, urna odio porttitor sapien, in vulputate urna erat eu diam.
Our policy on privacy is straightforward. In short, any information you submit to us will remain absolutely private and will not be shared with third-party companies. If you're interested in the lawyerly details, read on.
Categories of Information
Information about you can be categorized as (a) personally identifiable information, or (b) non-personally identifiable information. “Personally identifiable information” is information that we collect from you such as your name, postal address, telephone number, fax number and email address. “Non-personally identifiable information” is information that we collect from you that does not include your name or any information that would allow us to contact you.
How We Use and Disclose Information
Some of the ways in which we use your personally identifiable information may include using it to fulfill your orders, to provide you with information that you may request and to customize your website experience. If, at the point where you give us personally identifiable information, a box is checked indicating that you would like to receive information about special offers and promotions, then Hunter Douglas will also use such personally identifiable information to send you information that we believe might be of interest to you. It is important for you to understand that we use contractors (e.g., delivery services) to help us operate our business. We generally require that contractors not disclose personally identifiable information or use it other than as necessary to perform their services for us.
Because we care about your privacy, we will not give your personally identifiable information to other marketers or retailers for them to use to contact you about offers or promotions of their own (other than, of course, in connection with the sale of our business) unless a box is checked indicating that we may do so at the point where you give us such personally identifiable information.
As a responsible company, we believe obeying the law is important. Therefore, we may disclose personally identifiable information in order to comply with a subpoena or court order or when we are required to do so by law. We may also disclose personally identifiable information in cooperation with a law enforcement or government request. It is important for you to understand that the above policies and restrictions do not apply to our use or disclosure of your non-personally identifiable information. We may freely use and disclose non-personally identifiable information for many purposes and on many occasions. Examples of how we use and disclose non-personally identifiable information include measuring and analyzing site usage, system administration, improving our site and providing it to third party consultants, clients, advertisers, vendors and researchers.
How We Collect Information
We collect personally identifiable information from you by “active” means, in other words, when you actively give us the information. Examples of this include when you order products, fill out online site registration forms, request that we send you information, newsletters or brochures, or respond to our surveys or other requests for visitor responses. Like many other commercial websites, we collect non-personally identifiable information from you by “passive” means, in other words, by tracking your use of the site, often through the use of cookies. That information includes, among other things, the type of computer operating system and Internet browser that are being used and the domain name of your Internet service provider, as well as some of the information described below. This information helps us to interact with visitors to our site.
A cookie is a small data file that is placed on your computer's hard drive that may contain information (such as a unique user ID) that a website may use to track certain things. We use cookies in order to improve your website visit. The cookie helps us track the pages of our site that you visit, tells us whether you have been to our site before and tells us which website you visited immediately before visiting our site, but does not tell us about your use of any other websites. The cookie does not tell us who you are or how to contact you, unless you have submitted personally identifiable information to us through active means. You can keep us from using cookies by turning them off in your browser. However, if you turn off your cookies, certain parts of our website may not function.
Collection of Information by Third Parties via Links
Our site contains links to other sites, including, among others, those of some of our customers. Those other sites may have privacy policies which may be different from ours. Visitors using such links should consult the privacy notices associated with those links. Please keep in mind that whenever you give out personal information online-for example, via message boards or chat rooms-that information can be collected, intercepted and used by people you do not know. Our policies do not extend to anything that is inherent in the operation of the Internet, and therefore beyond our control. We take no responsibility for information collected by third parties.
Your Acceptance of These Terms
By using this site, you indicate your agreement to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy then do not use this site. Your continued use of this site following any changes to this privacy policy constitutes your acceptance of such changes.